Are you interested in fresh servers for WotLK classic?
As someone who played a lot of classic WoW before TBCc (around 120 days game time), and having skipped TBCc due to the inflated economies, and general disinterest by certain elements that were introduced in TBCc. Wrath is going to change the playable experience for WoW, and that also includes the leveling experience. Furthermore, the SoM Boost fixes are confirmed to be ported to WOTLKc. I think a fresh server could be very enjoyable/popular for returning, continuing, and new classic players. Fresh servers would be a good reason to play WOTLKc. As classic is right now, I don't know if I want to join the inflated gold economy, or buy some WotLK Classic Gold instead. However, problem is that it would break the community again and probably kill some of the already struggling servers. Also even with fresh start, give it few months and gold botting situation would come back to what it is now, especially that gold on 'fresh' would have higher value at the start. Imo I think the b...